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NOLAMP19 | Nordic Laser Material Processing conference

Instructions for presenters

Guidelines for oral presentations

Oral presentation time: 20 minutes, including questions & discussion.

Please reserve some time for questions from the audience at the end of your talk (at least 3 minutes).
The remaining minutes during the presentation are shown by session chairman to the speaker as follows: 5 minutes, 3 minutes and 1 minute.

Please check the time of your presentation in the conference programme.

Please send your PowerPoint/PDF presentation by 17 August 2023 to
Kindly name your file using your last name.

File requirements:
– File type: PowerPoint (PPT/PPTX) or PDF
– Aspect ratio: 16:9
– Fonts: please use standard fonts
– Videos: Embedded (no separate file accepted)

The presentation computers are portable PCs.
Own computers cannot be used to avoid technical problems.

The conference assistants are ready to assist you in the auditorium during the scientific programme.

In case you have any questions concerning your presentation or the programme, please contact:

Please note that the final deadline for the abstract presenters to register as participants is 15 July 2023!

Important dates

15 July 2023
Final deadline for the abstract presenters to register as participants

More information and a link to registration form can be found here!

17 August 2023
Final deadline for sending the presentation to


If you have any questions relating to the scientific content or abstract submission process, please contact the conference organisers: